Our Way of Living Was not Working. In Sober Living Structure and Responsibility is essential.
**Some Rules include but are not limited to:
No drugs or alcohol are allowed on the premises. Some exceptions may be made for specific prescriptions, like antidepressants.
Residents must pay their appropriate expenses to live in the home.
Residents must participate in household activities, like weekly meetings and regular chores.
Residents are required to go to at least 5 meetings per week. (3 in person, 2 Virtual)
Our Residents must find a sponsor within two weeks, and plan to go to therapy/counseling.
Residents agree to participate in randomized drug and alcohol screenings.
Residents are accountable for their whereabouts when they are not on the property.
Residents must adhere to the house’s curfew.
Residents are not allowed to have overnight guests.
Residents must respect other housemates and home staff.
Rules & Regulations for Living in a Sober Living House
Aldemar Recovery Sober living Homes have rules for a few reasons:
They support your recovery process.
They help keep residents safe.
They help people build sober lifestyles.