Our Way of Living Was not Working. In Sober Living Structure and Responsibility is essential.

**Some Rules include but are not limited to:

  • No drugs or alcohol are allowed on the premises. Some exceptions may be made for specific prescriptions, like antidepressants.

  • Residents must pay their appropriate expenses to live in the home.

  • Residents must participate in household activities, like weekly meetings and regular chores.

  • Residents are required to go to at least 5 meetings per week. (3 in person, 2 Virtual)

  • Our Residents must find a sponsor within two weeks, and plan to go to therapy/counseling.

  • Residents agree to participate in randomized drug and alcohol screenings.

  • Residents are accountable for their whereabouts when they are not on the property.

  • Residents must adhere to the house’s curfew.

  • Residents are not allowed to have overnight guests.

  • Residents must respect other housemates and home staff.


Rules & Regulations for Living in a Sober Living House

Aldemar Recovery Sober living Homes have rules for a few reasons:

  • They support your recovery process.

  • They help keep residents safe.

  • They help people build sober lifestyles.